Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Where's My Potty? Better late than never.

Hi, I'm a Family Day Care professional, providing care for children aged between 0 and 5 years of age. At the moment I have three children who are in the process of toilet training. Here's just one of those typical days that I have a pleasure of experiencing.

Every half an hour, I'll take out the potty and asked the children if they need to do a wee (for girls) and pee (for boys). At the moment I'm training the girls. Sometimes, one of them will respond with a nod and off came the pull-up as the child plonked down on the potty. Meanwhile I'll be plonked down on the floor in front of the child to give reassurance. We'll sit there for about 5 minutes and nothing happened ... but that's OK. I helped her pull up her nappy and a few minutes later ... whoa-la ... the much anticipated wee arrived in the nappy.

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